Biddeford Recreation
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Skatepark Email List Register View Cart

Join our new Biddeford Skatepark Email List!

Individuals interested in receiving emails regarding city plans for a new skatepark in the Biddeford community can register using the activity below to sign up for updates.

Moving forward, updates will be sent through this platform as of March 1, 2025.  If you have received updates in the past and would like to continue to receive info, we ask that you please sign up below.  This platform is beneficial to the process because it creates better accessibility: it allows individuals to sign up at any time, updates the recipient list in real-time, and prevents emails from being missed when sending updates. 

This email list is optional and information is also posted to our Biddeford Skatepark Informational Page if you would prefer to view information on your own.  Thank you!

Additional Details
  • There is no fee associated with signing up for this email group.
  • Individuals ages 14 and over are eligible to sign up to receive updates. We understand that there is interest from many students in high school and want to make sure this option is available! Please note: individuals under 18 will require a parent to co-authorize registering to receive emails.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Biddeford Skatepark Informational Email List 
14y - 101y N/A SuMTuWThFSa  03/01/2025 - 01/01/2026
12:00 AM - 12:01 AM

Main Office
$0.00 R, $0.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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